Parts of the site will become accessible open space for the first time, with attractive places to walk, cycle, play, sit and meet people.
A variety of new homes would be delivered including much-needed affordable housing, homes for growing families, those downsizing and those suitable for the elderly. It will enable young people to stay in Billericay. New residents will also help to boost the local economy and the shops and services on the high street.
CEG has almost 30 years of experience in delivering vibrant new communities. We create distinctive new communities around the UK, making space for lives to flourish and neighbourhoods to evolve.
Our approach is collaborative, and we have secured a huge number of awards for our engagement, placemaking, design and environmental credentials of our developments. We are keen to work closely with residents and stakeholders to ensure that we create a legacy which residents of Billericay can be proud.
Habitat assessments, protection and mitigation measures form a key part of the proposals, as well as details as to how 10% Biodiversity Net Gain can be achieved. Sustainable drainage features would incorporate attenuation basins which provide fantastic habitat opportunities, as well as benefiting the design and sense of place.
In terms of landscaping, we would seek to retain existing trees and hedgerows, where possible, and also propose new planting as part of the proposals, in order to provide landscape buffers to the sensitive areas around the site, as well as areas for biodiversity to thrive.
The site benefits from being within walking or cycling distance of the railway station, bus services shops, schools and local facilities. We will be providing measures to promote sustainable travel in preference to the use of a vehicle.
Our work is also assessing local roads and junctions and we will work with the highways authority to look at the required mitigation measures and improvements required to accommodate the development.
The main vehicular access is from Greens Farm Lane with an pedestrian/cycle/emergency access from Outwood Common Road.
Financial contributions would be made as appropriate towards social and community facilities, including schools and healthcare provision, in order to create the capacity to cope with the occupiers of the proposed homes.
Please review the information and complete a comment form so CEG can consider your feedback as an outline planning application is being prepared. Once the application is submitted, further consultation undertaken by the Local Planning Authority. Please keep an eye on our website for updates.
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or call 020 7730 9090