Greens Farm Lane

The Planning Application

We are preparing an outline application which will include supporting technical and environmental reports and assessments setting out mitigation measures to ensure the development can be accommodated on this site is a sustainable way. These include:

Design and Access Statement

This will set out a series of design principles, explain the evolution of the design and the illustrative masterplanning proposals. The proposals will be the subject of an independent Design Review process

Ecology and Biodiversity

An Ecological Impact Assessment will include details of habitats and species and assess the potential effects of development. 

The site is predominantly arable with hedgerows which include trees.  Retaining the field boundaries and the inclusion of the extensive greenspace as part of the proposals will provide opportunities to enhance habitats for a wide range of species.

There will also be a Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment which will set out how the development can achieve a minimum of a 10% net gain of biodiversity on the site through this development. There will also be a management and maintenance strategy to ensure that the biodiversity gain will be delivered.


The site could accommodate up-to 280 new homes which is lower than previously proposed by the Council. This scale of development will provide of a range of high-quality house types that respond to the local character, including homes for first time buyers and growing families as well as affordable homes to meet local needs

Local Infrastructure

Financial contributions would be made towards social and community facilities (such as schools and health services), where necessary, in order to mitigate the impact the development might have in this regard. Improvements to sustainable travel choices are also expected to be sought by the Highway Authority.

Green Spaces

The Landscape Strategy will outline information about the retention of existing trees and hedgerows and the new planting proposed across the site, as well as information about its future management.

As well as retaining trees and hedgerows, through the areas of greenspace there are opportunities to provide a wide variety of new planting including native trees, hedgerows and shrubs, as well as areas of grassland which would support wildlife.

The site is well placed to provide an ecological and recreation resource, providing new children’s play spaces and places to walk and cycle which would be available to the existing community to use.

Sustainability and Energy

A sustainability and energy strategy will be submitted with the outline application. This will set out intended standards and measures which will be integrated into the development to facilitate the transition to a low carbon economy.

The development will seek to meet high standards of energy efficiency, integrating principles of sustainable design and construction, minimising environmental impacts with respect to energy use, water use, waste, pollution and transport.

Homes will be specified with high standards of fabric insultation and air tightness, along with effective services to ensure energy consumption via space heating is reduced. Solutions such as solar panels and Air Source Heat Pumps are being considered to ensure the proposed development is future proofed for the longer term and ready to meet the Future Homes/Buildings Standard from 2025.

Highways and Mobility

Planning transport provision is an integral part of the scheme and detailed traffic surveys of the local highway network have been undertaken.  However, the approach of CEG is to minimise the need to travel and, if travel is needed, by making sustainable travel options available and convenient, this would be the  preferred choice rather than using the private car. To achieve this, the proposals will be designed to deliver the following:

Minimise the need to travel

  • Safe, walkable neighbourhoods.
  • On-site spaces for play, recreation and exercise which will be accessible to the community.
  • Located within walking distance of the primary school and local shops.
  • Accessible on bicycle to the town centre and railway station.
  • High quality digital connectivity to enhance the opportunity to work from home.
  • Encourage home deliveries.

Promote sustainable travel

  • Walking and cycling paths, connecting to new and existing provision.
  • Enhanced bus provision, such as improvements to local bus stops.
  • Travel incentives, such as bus or cycle vouchers and the appointment of a Travel Plan Manager to positively influence behaviours.
  • Cycle parking.

A Travel Plan will include a package of initiatives to assist future residents to minimise the need to travel by car, whilst encouraging sustainable travel.

Despite such initiatives, there will be trips by private vehicle and a Transport Assessment will be included within the application. The Transport Assessment will consider the effect of vehicle trips on the local transport network, identifying where, if necessary, any mitigation/improvements are needed. As is now required, there will be charging provided on-plot  to encourage the use of electric vehicles in preference to those with an internal combustion engine.

Drainage and Utilities

The outline application will be accompanied by a Flood Risk Assessment (FRA) and surface water drainage strategy that will assess the risk of flooding from all sources.

Surface water from the proposed development will drain via infiltration soakaway Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS), with surface water runoff being managed within the site through the use of permeable block paving, swales and attenuation basins,. The use of multiple SuDS integrated across the proposed development will manage surface water run-off, whilst providing sufficient water quality treatment, amenity and biodiversity benefits throughout the development.

Anglian Water will model foul water and Essex and Suffolk Water the potable water network, with any reinforcements that need to be carried out to support the new homes being undertaken as required.

Other technical reports will address matters such a noise and air quality.